Sunday, September 23, 2007

Symbolic Positioning---Is it all fake?

Positioning can either be functional, symbolic, or experiential. A lot of companies use symbolic positioning to make consumers think that if they use their product or wear their product they will give them a certain status. One example are the ads for Abercrombie & Fitch. The ads include almost nude models caressing each other while music is playing in the background. First of all, it doesn't even show the clothing, so the product isn't even shown. Second of all, the ad is very sexy and conveys the view that if you wear this clothing, you will be sexy also and have people caressing you. Obviously, just wearing a t-shirt from A&F is not going to automatically make you sexy. Another example shampoo commercials. Many shampoo commercials show that their shampoo will make your hair shiny and full and beautiful. Of course it happens for the models on the commercial, but this is not definitely going to happen for you. Symbolic positioning is a way to show consumers what could happen with their product if you have the perfect body, or if you have perfect hair. Most people take these commercials lightly, but young, impressionable minds probably do not. Most uses of symbolic positioning are far-fetched...but at least they're entertaining.

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