Sunday, November 11, 2007

Professor Sanghvi asked us to compare the NY Times news, BBC news, and our local news to each other. For my news, I will usually just watch the morning news show on local tv stations so I can see what the weather will be like and just to see what is going on. I went to the NY Times webpage and also to BBC news webpage and I there are some differences in those sources and the local news webpage. In the NY Times they had more categories and articles to choose from. It was set up very well and you could easily read and naviagte your way around. BBC was great also because they had sections for each part of the world. NY Times had national news and then world news, but the world news section was very large and covered every other part of the world in one section. For the local news webpage, they provided accurate, efficient news, but it was mostly just local news. Local news does not cover as much national or worldly news that the NY Times or BBC covers. Personally, I liked the NY Times the best because I am more interested in national news. For someone who wants to know what is going on all around the world, BBC would be the best for them. How does this relate to marketing? I was asking myself this as I was looking at all of these websites. I believe that for small businesses the local news on televion and their website are great places for advertisements. A lot of people rely on the local news for weather and traffic, so many people will watch or visit the website numerous times a day and see an advertisement for a brand or local business. As for the NY Times and BBC, a brand that is known nationally and worldwide would do best advertising either in the paper or on the website. A brand that everyone knows and everyone has either used or will use in the future. A food or beverage brand would be best because everyone is familiar with these kinds of brands. Placing ads on the websites would be the best thing to do because there are a few number of people who actually pick up the NY Times newspaper and read it. Placing it online will be better visibility and will reach a broader audience.

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